This is a summary of your personality based on your answers to this test. Scores are given out of 100. The HEXACO system of personality measures twenty four personality traits grouped into five domains domains of personality, which is how your results have been organized.
Honesty and Humility
The sincerity scale measures the tendency to be open and honest with others about your feelings and beliefs. Your score was 63.
The fairness scale measures the level at which a person holds themselves to not take without giving. Your score was 85, this indicates that you try to never take more than your share.
The greed avoidance scale measures both the extent to which people are uninterested in wealth and the degree to which they try and hide their interest in wealth. Your score was 30, this indicates that being and appearing wealthy is something you admire and aspire to.
The modesty scale assess the degree to which a person presents themselves in an unassuming manner. Your score was 50.
The fearfulness scale measures the propensity to be afraid of, or focus on, negative outcomes. Your score was 52.
The anxiety scale measures how much an individual is preoccupied by the problems in their life. Your score was 52.
The dependence scale measures how much emotional support you need. Your score was 65.
The sentimentality scale measures how strongly you bond emotionally with others. Your score was 53.
The social self-esteem scale measures your satisfaction with your social abilities. Your score was 42.
The social boldness scale measures your confidence in social situations. Your score was 47.
The sociability scale measures how much you like socializing. Your score was 62.
The liveliness scale measures how high energy you in social situations. Your score was 70, this indicates that you probably laugh a lot.
The forgivingness scale measures how long you hold grudges. Your score was 62.
The gentleness scale measures the tendency to be gentle with others feelings. Your score was 72, this indicates that you are rarely critical of others.
The fleixiblity scale measures the willingness to compromise. Your score was 52.
The patience scale measures how long it takes to get angry. Your score was 57.
The organization scale measures how much you need order. Your score was 50.
The diligence scale measures the tendency to work hard. Your score was 48.
The perfectionism scale measures the tendency to focus on the details. Your score was 72, this indicates that even small inperfections bother you.
The prudence scale measures the tendency to control ones impulses. Your score was 72, this indicates that you carefully consider most decisions.
Openness to Experience
The aesthetic appreciation scale measures the how much an individual likes and respects art. Your score was 85, this indicates that you can become very absorbed in artworks.
The inquisitiveness scale measures curiosity. Your score was 62.
The creativity scale measures your propensity to seek news ways to things. Your score was 75.
The unconventionality scale asses the extent to which you engage in unusual activities. Your score was 40.
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